If you'd like to join the Northiam Bonfire Society please complete the online form below, or contact Beverley Griffin on Membership@northiambonfiresociety.co.uk if you'd prefer to fill in a postal form or have any questions.
Our Constitution can be viewed here.
Membership Rules
• New members must submit an application form and attend a meeting to be voted in and must be proposed and seconded. There must be no objections raised against them. Membership is at the discretion of the committee.
• A potential new member who cannot attend a meeting must be known to a member of the society who is willing to vouch for them and their behaviour.
• Membership must be applied for, or renewed annually from the 1st of January. Renewals must be completed by the AGM or 31st of March. Applications after this deadline will be accepted as a new membership.
• Members can be expelled if necessary. An Extra General Meeting has to called and all members invited. A quorum of membership is required to be present to vote on a decision to revoke a membership.
• Meetings will be held on the second Monday of every month, unless a decision has been made at the previous month’s meeting.
• The AGM will take place in March every year.
• Members are expected to contribute fully throughout the year, by staffing, supporting and promoting all fundraising events, as well as active involvement in all aspects of the Annual Procession.
• Anyone wanting to march should be in a NBS costume:
• Highwayman/woman consisting of black trousers or skirt, white purple or black shirt, tricorn or top hat and purple accessories. The outfit is usually completed with black cape or coat and black eye-mask (cloth or paint). Members not conforming to the Society’s costume requirements will be asked not to join the procession. Final decision rests with the Society’s Marshal for the event.
• Alternative costumes may be worn by Collectors at Home and Away events.
• Northiam Bonfire Society will support other Societies’ processions.
• Only fully paid-up members may march in processions. Marchers must be in costume.
• Only Members over 16 years old may carry a flaming torch.
• Under 12s must be accompanied by an adult member responsible for them.
• Anyone wishing to march should register their intention with the Marshal. For the Home procession, preference will be given to the members who have attended at least one other Society’s Procession (either marching or assisting)
• Members represent the society under the NBS banner and should conduct themselves safely and appropriately.