Welcome to
Northiam Bonfire Society
Keeping Sussex Bonfire Tradition alive
Raising money for local good causes
Contributing to village life
What we do
Help keep Sussex Bonfire tradition alive
The Sussex Bonfire tradition is an important part of our cultural heritage and we strive to keep this hundreds year old tradition alive in our village, and preserved for generations to come.
Run fundraising events for Northiam
Our events help bring local people together and build community spirit. Villagers take part in quizzes, craft fairs, concerts and more, while raising money for our Bonfire Procession & Fireworks.
Donate to local good causes
At our annual event, there is a bucket collection to raise money for local good causes. All donations made to the collection go directly to causes in our local community.

Upcoming events
We run numerous events every year to fundraise the money needed to put on the main event, the Northiam Bonfire Procession & Fireworks. From craft fairs and quizzes to garden safaris, the Northiam Midsummer Festival and concerts, there's always something to pop in your diary. To find out more about upcoming events, visit our Event Calendar.

"Remember Remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes Guy Fawkes, twas his intent
to blow up King and parliament.
Three score barrels were laid below
to prove old England's overthrow.
By God's mercy he was catched
with a dark lantern and burning match.
Holler boys, Holler boys, let the bells ring
Holler boys Holler boys God save the King.
Hip Hip Hoorah!
Hip Hip Hoorah!
Hip Hip Hoorah!"
- The Bonfire Chant
This is said after the Procession, before the Bonfire is lit.